Vaccines – yes or no?
Never before have the scientific and economic, political, and even religious voices around the world come together in unison so rapidly and without compromise as they have on the design and development of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine today.
I have already cautioned repeatedly against the “irreality” of truly effective vaccines for Covid-19, especially those that are mRNA-based. I’ll spare you the details here, as there is no need for me to repeat myself (available at FEAT Universiteam), and simply remind you of one fact before I continue: to date, no one has succeeded in fully isolating and subsequently identifying Covid-19, and this is also why no one truly knows the algorithm of this virus. We do not even need to discuss the Covid-19 mutants. By extension, a truly effective vaccine is impossible, as wanting to fight against that, which cannot yet be identified, is “fishing in troubled waters.” The purported successful isolation of this virus is actually its “isolate,” and only in combination with the associated virus hosts, which, due to the fact that the Covid-19 RNA undergoes a partial modification as soon as the virus latches onto its host (especially our TH cells, see the link above for more information on this), does not allow any explicit conclusions as to the algorithm of the virus itself; the remaining majority of the virus components, no longer traceable, are shamelessly “decided together” with computer assistance.
Professor Tal Zaks (Chief Medical Officer of the MODERNA group) recently stated in his TED Talk that an mRNA vaccine injection is capable of altering genomic DNA in such a way that the risks associated with it would be immeasurable. So far, so good. However, both the fact that the vaccines made available around the world may not be capable of achieving the effects promised and the fact that they pose the same incalculable health risks to us have prompted me to comment briefly here on the vaccine, as such, and the method by which it is produced.
What are vaccines?
In principle, every vaccine is necessarily accompanied by abortions, be they animal or human. We are talking about pregnancies terminated prior to birth, which allow cell lines for vaccines to be harvested. In the case of coronavirus vaccines, human fetuses (alive as possible) are primarily used.
How did this come about? In the 18th century, pioneering medicine began its first vaccination campaigns, using pregnant cows from which the unborn calf was "removed,” alive as possible. Since then, “vaccine” (lat. vacca) has been derived from “cow.” This refers to the cowpox obtained from the “premature calves,” which was injected into humans for the purpose of immunization against pox and/or smallpox (genus Orthopoxvirus). However, the risk underestimated at the time of applying animal-based vaccines and transferring animal pathogens (or zoonoses) to people (along with animal cell cultures, chicken embryos were also used for culturing, such as for the influenza/flu vaccine), has led the vaccine industry to increasingly replace animal embryos with human fetal cells as a resource.
Please note in advance: The term "cell line" such as "HEK 293" means, in this context, the respective extraction / preparation / cultivation methodology of human embryonic tissue, for whose cell cultivation procedure supplementary embryonic cells from fresh human fetuses must repeatedly be retrofitted. The assertion that a single so-called stem cell can therefore reproduce an unlimited number of medically usable, tumorized resp. "immortalized" embryonic cells in a "perpetuum-mobile-like" manner, i.e. over years or even decades (keyword vaccine production) is simply to be led ad absurdum from the medical-scientific point of view.
Phytocine – herbal counterpart
An herbal vaccine ( phytocine ), on the other hand, is based on plant embryonic tissue. The plant embryo itself is the key cell tissue in the mature seed (= fruit) of the plant itself. From this the new plant emerges, which already begins to emerge with the fertilization (pollination). Their development takes place through the fusion of the pollen with the egg cell in the ovary of the plant flower, from which the zygote emerges. During the embryogenesis that takes place through the formation of the seed (= fruit), the zygote finally becomes the embryo, which in the ripe fruit (= seed) is developed into a complete plant embryo (seedling).
Once the plant embryo has matured, it first falls into a (hibernating) resting phase. During this time there is no regular growth, but both metabolism and breathing continue to take place, during which the embryo feeds on the so-called endosperm within the seed (= fruit). During the resting phase, the "sprout inhibition" ensures the necessary development stop of the seed. The vegetative growth phase of the plant embryo begins only when the “germination inhibition” is broken, i.e. when suitable conditions come into effect (spring), whereby the root of the seed shell is pierced first (germination), and finally the new plant emerges from the embryo. But the “rebirth of the plant(s)” (vegetation in the spring-summer-autumn-winter cycle), which is natural to us, should be impossible over such a long and difficult phase, provided that immense defenses are not at work to ensure the real survival of the plant world: The plant's own immune system in the form of polyphenols!
Let's remember ©Immuxøl! We discovered then that every plant contains polyphenols. These provide the defenses for the plant itself. The highest polyphenol content is found in their seeds or fruits ( protection of the plant embryo). By consuming these fruits, these unique, plant-specific antibodies (polyphenols) together with vitamins, proteins, minerals etc. are passed on to our immune system - a trick of creation! Worldwide, however, there is only one plant that develops its own defense substances (polyphenols) in such a compact and complex manner as hops. In order for these to get into our bloodstream, however, very special transmitters are always required because polyphenols themselves are insoluble in water and can therefore only develop in the body with the catalytic help of appropriate vitamin and mineral derivatives.
Since the vaccine itself is only intended to serve the targeted immune defense, in the case of purely plant-based vaccines (phytocines), the promised immune defense aid can be assumed all the more since polyphenols, not only selectively or specifically, but rather holistically or broadly - and sustainably - act as immune defense against viral and bacterial pathogens.
Conclusion: Vaccines are supposed to help fight individual pathogens via antibodies. Phytocines, on the other hand, neutralize “virtually all” pathogens harmful to health in the same broadband manner. In the latter case, efficiency and effectiveness are far higher than in the former. Apart from the risks and side effects associated with “vaccines”, which are completely absent from phytocines. Not to mention the following fundamental ethical questions:
Est modus in rebus, sunt certi denique fines, quos ultra citraque nequit consistere rectum.
For example, a rubella vaccine was the first to be developed using human embryonic cells. The primary cultures required for this were immediately grown from embryonic human tissue, although it only has a very limited lifespan. The limited lifespan is due to the telomeres at the ends of chromosomes (a person’s age always corresponds to the length of their telomeres = protective caps on the ends of chromosomes). For this reason, modern medicine has gone even further and subsequently cultivated “immortalized cell lines,” which are artificially transformed into cancer cells by means of mutation in a gene lab, as cancer cells – at least theoretically – promise a much longer lifespan. But in practice, obtaining these cells is extremely costly and difficult. As a result, much more harvesting of human embryos is required to create a stable cell line.
Short Note: In terms of human development, the pre-embryonic stage refers to the first three weeks after conception. The embryonic period is then when our internal organs are developed. It is not until between the 9th and 11th weeks that the embryo is considered a fetus. The point at which tissue is harvested, however, depends on the development stage of the organs required, which in turn depends on which type of cell cultures the embryonic cell tissue is most suited for.
In the MMRV vaccine from GlaxoSmithKline (against measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella), the DNA of the immortalized cell line was established to be aborted fetal tissue. But although all of the tumor genes in MRC-5 cells known to us, about 600, have variations that ascribe carcinogenic side effects to the vaccine, this vaccine has been and continues to be diligently administered. Side effects have also been observed in these vaccines (against chicken pox and hepatitis A) that are suggestive of autism, leukemia, and lymphoma. In plain terms, tumorized cells are used that evidently cause illness.
Similarly, it so happened in the 1950s and 60s that over 30 million people in the United States alone who had received the polio vaccine were infected with simian virus 40 (a precursor to HIV), and most of these went on to develop cancer as well. Rhesus monkey kidney cell cultures had been used to culture inactivated poliovirus, and these monkeys were known to be infected with SV-40. But although these cells were not immortalized, in addition to transmitting the virus (by injecting the monkey cell cultures into humans), the vaccines, their cell cultures, and their virus DNA were contaminated with the SV-40 injected, with the subsequent development of cancers (brain tumor, mesothelioma, bone tumor, lymphoma). But back to today:
The American doctor and vaccine developer Prof. Dr. Stanley Plotkin revealed that 74 additional fetuses were used in the first human cell line HEK-293n+1 (Human Embryo Kidney). This cell line is the foundation of nearly all vaccines that have already been approved, including AstraZeneca. Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Vaxart, Pfizer, Moderna, Novavax, and others, all from the United States as well as Sinovac Biotech and CanSino Biologics from China, BioNTech from Germany, and so on and so forth, have made use of it.
Dr. Plotkin's deposition revealed: “Sometimes more than one cell line was used for a vaccine. 32 fetuses for the WI-38 (Wistar Institute Fetus 38) cell line, 38 fetuses for WI-44, and finally 20 fetuses were used for WI-26, meaning 5 fetuses for MRC-5 (AstraZeneca), 9 fetuses for the WalVax2 line developed in 2015, and a total of 27 human fetuses were used for RA-273. The quantity and use of human embryos for the PER C6 cell line used by Johnson & Johnson is unfortunately unknown.”
But now the latest cell line, WalVax2 from China, is intended to replace the lines WI-38 and MRC-5, for which the AstraZeneca vaccine has come under heavy criticism (regardless of the fact that all vaccines, with the curious exception of Johnson & Johnson, share the same cell line). Line PER C6, on which the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is based, dates from 2001 and is based on embryonic cancer cell tissue.
For the HEK-293 cell line, that was produced in the 1970s for the first time (undergoing testing by Pfizer, Moderna, BioNTech), due to the longer lifespan and vitality of this cell line, a more tightly scheduled, logistically organized abortion is necessary. Apart from the fact that the original HEK-293 cell tissue has long since become unusable and above all is infected with cervical cancer (cervical cancer ), “random abortions” have been of no interest since then, since in practiceit is hardly possible to remove the tissue of the aborted fetus within an hour, which begins to die ≈ 60 minutes later. It is still absolutely an advantage for the development of cell cultures, if not strictly necessary, if fetuses are obtained still living from the uterus via C-section, so that the actual materials are fresh when obtained, namely the kidneys that have by this point developed in the fetus.
Short Note: In 1954, Dr. Thomas Huckle Weller and Dr. John Franklin Enders were awarded the Nobel prize in Physiology or Medicine for their research on a cure for poliomyelitis or polio. To date, the results of their research have not yielded a remedy for polio, and the two openly stated that, for sterility reasons, they obtained 12-18 week old fetuses through hysterectomy, along with the amniotic sac, which was stored at 5°C and later dissected. Today this practice is happily continued and being perfected, necessitating the continued tissue removal from living fetuses. In simpler terms: The unborn child with a beating heart is slaughtered. David Daleiden has documented the trade of organs with living fetuses, in which organs were obtained for the purpose of vivisection, while the birth control organization Planned Parenthood (USA) is believed to have participated in illegal organ trade by selling tissue to research facilities and pharmaceutical companies around the world.
Even Pope Francis himself and his Curia have given their blessing, endorsing the situation as an absolute exception and emergency for medical remedies derived either directly or indirectly via abortion. Pope Francis has even spoken of a moral obligation to receive the vaccine based on this. Both he and his fellow leader, the Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, consequently received the vaccine with great publicity, and it was the very vaccine (from Pfizer) that had previously been under fire for abortion. I write this with awareness of the reality addressed here that vaccine death was anticipated.
7. Apr. 2021, LP
There are three types of humans:
1. The very few who really do good because they have the wisdom and courage to be able and want to do it.
2. That large majority who would like to be good, but who do not do it because they lack awareness and trust.
3. The minority who do evil because they can and WANT to do it. But their real perfidy is the pretense of wanting
to be good and kind in order to do even more evil. Their greatest enemy is the courageous and particularly clever man!